
Nov 27, 2016

"the essential vegan travel guide" + giveaway

Happy Cyber Monday everyone!

I am so excited to share with you a book that is all about traveling as a vegan and surviving the whole vacation, well fed and happy.

The Essential Vegan Travel Guide [AMAZON]  is written by Caitlin Galer-Unti, the publisher of the popular site The Vegan Word. Caitlin has traveled extensively world-wide and I strongly recommend checking out her site for some amazing content.

My girls went to visit family in Hungary this summer and this book was a huge lifesaver for them. Even though the family knew what the girls would eat and wouldn't eat, something was lost in translation and they had to fend for themselves more than a few times.

And when they went off to Italy by themselves for a few days, the book, again, came in immeasurable service.

The travel guide is more than just a list of resources and instead delves into how to stay vegan while traveling. The guide walks you through the many ways to take food, find food, cook food in a hotel room and even goes into where you can stay and how to figure that out. Caitlin covers it all. She leaves no stone un-turned.

Of course, research is your best friend when making travel plans, and that is where Caitlin starts: she shows you how to do your research, where to research and what to research. She walks you through it all step by step.

After all the research is done, Caitlin shows you how to apply your new-found information to find the best places to stay and where to eat when you are there.

This is a full-length book (about 130 pages) packed with loads of information and insight. In addition, Caitlin has a wonderful sense of humor, making the reading of the book not just educational, but fun, too.

If you are planning on taking a trip, whether local or foreign, whether you are staying at a hostel, with family or couchsurf, Caitlin has you covered. Although this is the 2016 edition, I see no reason why you need to wait for a possible 2017 edition since all the information is relevant and useful for the next few years, possibly. In fact, the only amendments might be updates of website addresses or adding new ones.

Since this is the giving season, I want to remind you that Caitlin has published a post of 101+ Vegan Gift Ideas, a very extensive list of wonderful gifts that you can use yourself or pass to a loved one.

 I am not exempt from the gift-giving season and therefore I am giving away a print copy of this book to a US winner AND a Kindle copy to a winner outside the US. Please leave a comment about where you would like to travel and let me know if you are a US resident or an International one. Good luck! Contest ends December 19, my daughter's birthday.

IMPORTANT: If it isn't obvious how to contact you via your comment, send me an email with the name your comment is under, the content of your comment (what you said) and a way to contact you (the email itself will be fine).  zsu [at] zsusveganantry [dot] com

And I am not done with the gift giving! I am announcing the winner of Vegan Mexico [AMAZON] by Jason Wyrick. The winner is The Peace Patch! Congratulations!! Contact me at zsu [at] zsusveganpantry [dot] com. 


  1. Hi! I'm Kellyanne, and I live in the US. I would like to travel to Tokyo some day.

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  2. Why hello there :)
    To be honest, there are SO insanely many places I want to travel to that it definitely wouldn't be particularly "appropriate" to name them all (also, the list is forever getting longer, as I continue to learn about cities/ countries I would never have considered previously or have never even heard of before). In saying that, Amsterdam is high up on my list at the moment, and I'd also really like to visit England and Venice again. And finally, I'm an international reader.
    Thank you for this opportunity, and happy monday!

  3. I'd love to take my kids to Israel to meet all my cousins and their kids! I live in the US.

  4. I would love to travel to Ireland and I live in the U.S.

  5. I would love to see Greece one day. I live in the U.S. as well. Thanks!

  6. I live in the USA,and I would love to travel to Japan!

  7. I live in the US and would love to travel to Thailand and Japan.
    pepitajobo [at] icloud [dot] com

  8. I live in the USA and would love to visit London, Paris or Australia!

  9. I want to visit the holy land! @stephr669 on twitter

  10. Thanks so much for the lovely review - I'm so glad it helped out your girls! :)

    Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway! :D

  11. I'm from California...will be traveling for several weeks in May and June starting in Finland and ending in Holland so this book sounds perfect!

  12. I would love to travel ANYWHERE with confidence. I used to be excited about travel, but my excitement has waned. Wanting to have all vegan food, occasionally delicious, feels kind of intimidating, seeming to require a lot of time planning, or packing all my own food, or both. I would love to learn Caitlin's tips to make things easier and more fun! k2725 at mysudo dot net Thank you! I'm sorry if this posts more than once; I seem to be having trouble.

  13. I'm from Texas and would love to visit Germany! I've never been anywhere in Europe so I think it would be a great place to start. Berlin in particular... the place is beautiful and it is a vegan mecca from what I've heard.

  14. Hi! Thank you for this chance!

    I live in the U.S. and I want to visit Iceland (among many other places!).

  15. I'm from TN but currently live in FL. I'd love to go visit South Florida and the Keys.

  16. I love to travel to experience new cultures anywhere on the planet. One day I would love to visit the where my grandparents came from Russia. Your book sounds amazing and would be very handy as a guide!

  17. Hi! I'm Dee. I live in the US. I'm traveling to the Bahamas next spring and want to go to England and Greece.


Thanks for your comment! I'll check if it's spam and post if it is not. I appreciate your time and effort for commenting! ~ Zsu