
May 17, 2015

"crave eat heal" + giveaway

Annie Oliverio of Virtual Vegan Potluck and An Unrefined Vegan blog,  has finally published her long-awaited cookbook, Crave Eat Heal! This is one of the most anticipated cookbooks of 2015 and I am excited to be part of her blog tour. 

Crave Eat Heal (Amazon, B&N) is a bit different from other cookbooks out there in the sense that the chapters and the premise are unlike any I've yet come across. The book is based on satisfying cravings we all have from time to time and doing it using unprocessed, whole foods with no refined sugars and low oil. The book is hard cover with beautiful full-color photos and thick, sturdy pages. A gorgeous book to own!

Annie breaks the book into chapters titled: Carbs, Chocolate, Comfort, Cool, Creamy, Crunchy, Green, Junk, Salty, Spicy, Sweet, Tart and Warm. As you can imagine, recipes in Carbs would help to satisfy those pesky carb cravings with recipes such as "Cocoa-Cinnamon French Toast" or "Whole Wheat Peach Pancakes.

Annie manages to whip up recipes that please our senses and appetite and are tasty and still healthful. You will find gluten-free, low-oil, unprocessed, raw and delicious dishes in this book! Many are easy to make, but all are outstanding.

Before I get into the recipes I've made from the book (so far), don't forget to snag the recipe at the end of the post from the Cool chapter, Butter Lettuce Wedges with Sunflower Seed Dressing, Pears, and Tempeh Bacon. 

At the end, there is also a giveaway for Crave Eat Heal, courtesy of Cedar Fort, Inc., for one US winner and a giveaway for one international winner of the e-book, Crave Eat Heal. Outtakes. The two are separate giveaways so please enter to win the physical copy only if you are a US resident. Contest ends June 1. 

As anyone who knows me, knows that I love gyros with a passion. I love the savory protein and the creamy, tangy tzaziki sauce. When I saw Annie's version of gyro, I had to try it. And it was delicious! You can find the Tofu Gyro with Tzaziki in the Salty chapter, on page 234.

When I was craving something fresh and crunchy, I picked up Annie's book and stumbled on Chopped Vegetable Salad with Ginger-Tahini Dressing. And I was very pleasantly delighted by this easy recipe. And Annie is right: marinating the vegetables for a bit allows them to absorb the dressing even more. Find this recipe in the Crunchy chapter, page 172.

I love the Junk chapter! It's almost cheating calling it junk, though, as the recipes are still so healthful! Nevertheless, you can find recipes such as Butternut Squash Queso, Coconut-Lime Mini Doughnuts with Coconut-Lime Glaze, or this Iced Maple Latte Shake, page 210. Malty, iced coffee shake: yum!

Now for a freebie recipe from Crave Eat Heal from the Cool chapter: The recipe and photo below are by Annie Oliverio and they are courtesy of Cedar Fort, Inc, Front Table Books. Make sure to catch, or catch-up on, the rest of the blog tour HERE. And if you, like me, love Annie's recipes, subscribe to her blog HERE. Annie is also on Pinterest HERE. You can add Annie to your circle on Google+ HERE.

This take on a classic salad reminds me of many family dinners eaten out at The Brown Derby: a big, crunchy wedge of lettuce topped with a creamy dressing and sprinkled with salty bacon. My version subs tempeh for bacon and adds a little sweetness with fresh pears.

Gluten-free, Raw Option, Oil-free, Quick, Easy

Serves 4


1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup non-dairy milk
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 clove garlic
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
Pinch sea salt
1 tsp. dried chives, or 1 Tbsp. fresh chives, chopped
1 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped

2 large heads butter lettuce, cut into quarters
2 ripe pears, cored and thinly sliced
Tempeh bacon, crumbled or chopped (exclude if going for 100% raw)

Add the sunflower seeds through the salt in a high-speed or regular blender and process until very smooth.  Add the chives and parsley and pulse a few times to incorporate.  Set aside.

Place two butter lettuce wedges each in four bowls.  Divide the pear slices, the tempeh bacon and the dressing between the bowls.  Serve.

Total Time: 15 minutes

If the dressing is too thick, add water, a little bit at at time, to get the consistency you like.

Recipe reprinted with permission from Ann Oliverio and Front Table Books.

If you haven't entered to win "The Good Karma Diet," get to it HERE. Contest ends May 18 at midnight!

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

May 6, 2015

"the good karma diet" + giveaway

What goes around, comes around. We've all heard the old motto, but many of us have yet to apply it to something as daily as eating. Too many people only consider this old adage on massive scales or only human-to-human contact, but the truth runs much deeper and affects many more beings than the homo sapien kind.

Victoria Moran addresses this correlation between who/what we eat with how we feel and what we reap. In her yet-to-be released book, The Good Karma Diet: Eat Gently, Feel Amazing, Age in Slow Motion, (Amazon, B&N, Penguin Publishers), Victoria breaches and approaches this topic with her typical good sense and good sense of humor. The book is a complete guide to eating karmically that benefits you, the world you live in and the animals that inhabit it with you.

She shows us how we can choice food that sustains energy, extends youthfulness, reduces weight and how enlightenment can affect our outlook. The book is divided into 25 chapters, full of advice, inspiration, tips and stories of experiences from folks on the karmic path. As Victoria puts it, the book is a living book and alnough not necessarily a cookbook, it does include a section of recipes.

Victoria Moran has been writing books for more than 20 years, is the author of Main Street Vegan (Amazon, B&N) and is the founder of the Main Street Vegan Academy.

If you have ever read any of Victoria's books, you will know that she is charming and very down to earth. I thoroughly loved the book, evidenced that I received the book, sat down and read it overnight. It was as addictive as the topic. Not only is the book informative, but it is fun to read!

If you purchase a book before the publish date of May 19, you get a few perks: an exclusive telecast with Victoria and you will be entered in a contest to win $$ for your favorite charity. Victoria makes sure that the karma keeps moving fluidly: you get the book, the telecast, charity gets donations and the animals are spared. Win, win all around.

Victoria shares one of the recipes in the book and below she is giving away a copy of The Good Karma Diet, open to both US and Canadian residents. Make sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Contest ends Monday, May 18.

Creamy Golden Squash Soup

6 cups boiling water

1 medium white onion whole and unpeeled

1 medium butternut or walnut squash, cubed

1 small zucchini, cubed

1 medium carrot, peeled and chopped

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 medium red onion, sliced

1 medium stalk celery, chopped

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

2 teaspoons cumin

1-2 cloves garlic, chopped

1 tablespoon salt (or to taste)

1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup walnuts, chopped and lightly toasted (If toasting your own chopped raw walnuts, toast in a dry skillet at medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until lightly toasted. Remove from heat immediately.)

Loving Preparation:
1. In a medium pot, add the water, whole white onion, and squash. Bring to a boil again; then simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Add the zucchini and carrots and simmer for 10 minutes more.
3. Meanwhile, sauté the sliced red onions in oil on medium heat until golden brown. Set aside.
4. Drain the soup into a large bowl and set the liquid aside.
5. Discard the onion peel and add peeled white onion, along with the drained soup ingredients, to a heatproof food processor or blender. Add celery, salt, and all seasonings, and puree until smooth and creamy. (Be very careful when blending hot liquids as the sudden release of steam has a tendency to blow the lid off of blenders. Be sure the lid is firmly in place and cover the lid with a towel for extra safety. Start the blender at its lowest speed, increasing it slowly.)
6. Pour the blender contents back into the pot and add the drained stock and sautéed onions.
7. Adjust the flavor if needed, with more salt, pepper, or any of the spices.
8. Serve hot or chilled, in bowls or mugs. Sprinkle with toasted walnuts and decorate with a sprig of parsley or cilantro.
9. Soup will keep refrigerated up to 3 days. Or freeze in a plastic container or sealed BPA- free zipper bag.
Serves 4 to 6

"Meaty" Variation:
If you love mushrooms and want a bit of a meaty texture, sauté 1 cup of fresh or 10 soaked and sliced shiitake mushrooms with the sliced red onion.

Excerpted from THE GOOD KARMA DIET: Eat Gently, Feel Amazing, Age in Slow Motion by Victoria Moran, with the permission of Tarcher/Penguin, a division of Penguin Random House. Copyright © 2015.
Photo and recipe by Doris Fin, CCHP, AADP.

a Rafflecopter giveaway