
Mar 22, 2014

spring kale and dill soup with rice

Dill has to be one of the more interesting herbs available, with its citrus aroma and fresh taste. The term dill weed is quite accurate, in the sense that if left to its own devices, your garden would be overrun with the herb in much the same way as mint is apt to do. If the ground is left untouched from season to season, dill will rule.

I suppose in much the same way, dill can be a dominant flavor in a dish and be overpowering if the flavor is not something you enjoy. Me, on the other hand, I am in love with dill. I will even buy it just to freshen the air in the kitchen, as I would use basil; both are aromatic not just in recipes, but in the environment.

The dill weed in this soup adds a refreshing flavor, which is accented by the fresh lemon juice added to each bowl. While the soup might at first seem to be hardy and rich, the kale is young and tender and the rice just makes sure we don't take the soup too seriously. After all, it is spring and the time for heavy, hearty, rich stews and soups are getting ready to be retired until autumn.

Although the recipe calls for small butter beans, which are creamy, you can substitute cannellini or another white bean.

On a side note, lately my son has been doing video reviews of movies and shows on YouTube. He's been doing it for a while now, but I just saw one for the first time the other day and I was quite impressed. He is doing them while attending college, but has still managed to keep up with his school work and write, narrate and edit his reviews. 

Although most of the reviews he does would not be of interest to most of the readers of this blog (unless you like anime), this short one might. It is of the final movie by Hayao Miyazaki, "The Wind Rises," an Academy nominated animated historical drama.

I am also linking to these recipe parties! The blogs hosting Healthy Vegan Fridays are Suzanne at Hello Veggie, Anna at Herbivore Triathlete, and Kimmy at Rock My Vegan Socks.  

The blog hosting Gluten-Free Fridays is Vegetarian Mamma.

I’ve also decided to submit this dish to What I Ate Wednesday hosted by Peas and Crayons since, well, it will be Wednesday soon enough!


  1. Dill is pretty much my favourite herb; thanks so much for linking up, Zsu!

    1. Thank you for commenting and the opportunity to link up!

  2. this looks like a lovely spring soup!

  3. That looks incredible! WOW! LOVE the photo set-up, too! Very nice!

  4. What a fun recipe! Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! :)

    Thank you for linking up! Its because of awesome bloggers like you that our link up is a success!

    Cindy from

  5. I just made this soup for myself (vegetarian) and my meat eating husband. Not only did he finish two bowls, but he told me I can make this soup again anytime. Thank you for this yummy springy soup!

    1. Wonderful to hear that you both liked it! And I really appreciate the feedback - thank you so much.


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