
Apr 18, 2013

"grills gone vegan" + giveaway

Are you ready for grilling season? I am! I just received Tamasin Noyes' new cookbook -
 And you guessed it, .. . it is time to give it away! Cookbook contest!

 The above wrap is Smoky Buffalo Tofu Wrap, complete with cashew-based buffalo sauce and home-smoked tofu (recipe is in the book). During testing I tried my hand at indoor-smoking using a pot and lid. Although it was a bit of a mess because of clean-up, lining the bottom of the pot with foil and covering it well with foil to prevent smoke-escape would have been my follow-up way to do it, but instead, I splurged and got a stove-top smoker. Of course, I have to cover this one tightly with foil as well, but it works great. 

Grills Gone Vegan was the first cookbook I tested for, and although it has taken next to forever to release, it is here and beautiful. It is packed with grilling advice, recipes for salads, appetizers, main meals, sauces, desserts, bread, pizza, paella... let me show you. Here's the visual...

Black Bean Burger

Blushin' Russian Tempeh Panini

Broccoli and Cheeze Calzone

Charred-Leek and Dill Spread

Porcini and Sausage Paella

Quinoa-Stuffed Poblano Peppers

Teriyaki Portobello 

Tomato-Arugula Flatbread

Cinnamon Swirl

Fantastic looking dishes, right? And all of them were prepared on a grill!

I have to tell you, I was a bit of an over-achiever with my first testing experience and tested over 100 recipes for this book; it was quite a challenge to pick and choose which pictures to post here!

So, how to win your very own Grills Gone Vegan just in time for summer? Post a grilling-related comment and check back May 10th to see if you are the winner as chosen by Sorry, US residents only.

After this book is given away, I will be following it with another contest to give away Whole Grain Vegan Baking by Tamasin Noyes and Celine Steen - another book I tested for and therefore am passing on the tester-awarded copy of the cookbook. 

On a personal note, my family is packing up our belonging, minus a bunch of junk and furniture, and heading out to Southern California - San Diego - on June 1st. Exciting! We love Chicagoland, but the weather (cold) and the long winter (no sun) are getting to us. Besides all of that, my son, Mikel, won the Steve Mendelson Memorial Award and College of Lake County's Purchase Award for his conte crayon drawing "Destruction Past." He is interested in attending University of Southern California, so it makes sense to move out there for multiple reasons. 

Mikel and "Destruction Past"

Anyway, leave your comment and get ready for grilling season. This book is a MUST have for anyone who likes grilling, likes grilled food or is just plain hungry. 
Go get a copy!  


  1. Can't wait to get my hands on this cookbook!!

  2. Ever since I stopped eating meat, I've never had anything besides veggie burgers on the grill. With this cookbook I'd finally be able to enjoy the up coming grilling season for the first time in over 6 years!

  3. I've been day dreaming of things to grill this summer. What I really can't wait to do is slice your holiday roast into "breasts," slather them with Stubb's BBQ sauce (or a homemade sauce, which I'm sure this book has recipes for), and grill them to sticky, smoky, warm-summer-evening-by-the-pool perfection.

  4. Still waiting on spring here in Minnesota, so I feel like we're really *earning* grilling season this year.

  5. i love to grill veggies! One of my favorites is eggplant for Baba Ghanoush, nothing beats that smoky grilled flavor. Thanks for the opportunity to win what sounds like a great cookbook!

    gaia (at) cinci (dot) rr (dot) com

  6. I would love to use some of the recipes in Grills Gone Vegan on my boat this summer!

  7. This cookbook is going to be perfect! My girlfriend's family loves BBQing and we are left in the corner with our lame tofu dogs. Can't wait for this!

  8. There is nothing like grill food in the summer, but last summer was my first "vegan" summer and I didn't know too many vegan grill tricks yet. I would love to have this cookbook for this summer!!!

  9. My mom just got me a grill for christmas and I haven't had a chance to use it. This cookbook would be the right kick in the ass to get grilling!

  10. I love to grill jalepenos or Hatch chiles on the grill and then make home made salsa - canned tomatoes, cilantro, garlic and chiles, add all into blender, and blend on a low setting. Yum!

  11. I have been waiting for this book to come out. I am interested in learning how to choose the best equipment for indoor and outdoor smoking and grilling.

  12. I Hope i win so i cab give this book to my husband. He isn't vegan (yet) but he loves to grill, even veggies and veg burgers for myself and friends. If i won, i would be spreading the veggie love!

  13. This book looks like it could revolutionize how even non-vegans view grilled food! All the photos look simply scrumptious!

  14. This cookbook would be my motivation to learn how to grill!
    -Ellie H.

  15. I do miss using my grill alot since going vegan. yeah I fill up the grill basket with veggies and lots of garlic and serve that as sandwiches or over pasta, and I grill an occasional vegan hot dog.. and I always grill my corn on the cob... but then I'm kinda done, this would keep me going!!!

  16. I'm a purist when it comes to grilling: peppers, onions, zuc, etc., etc., all with nothing more than olive oil and a touch of salt! But I suppose it would be good to broaden my horizons and this cookbook could definitely help with that! :)

  17. I so need to get out to the grill more! And since I can year round, this book is probably the inspiration I need!

  18. Grilling is almost a summer necessity here in the Deep South; turning on the oven overheats the house making AC work too hard to keep it liveable indoors. Even bought a convection toaster oven to use on the patio. Having this book would greatly expand my grilling repertoire so I am <3 it already.

  19. The pictures look awesome, and I am looking forward to buying the book and cooking up a storm.

    Wishing you the very best with the upcoming move.
    We just moved from the Central Coast to South Orange County, so we will be neighbors, of sorts!
    It's a LOT of work to move... :)

  20. Ah, the first time I made tofu on the grill with a miso sauce. Omg. Wow, that stuff is the bomb.

  21. This looks amazing, I would love to be able to grill something besides simple veggies this summer!

  22. I'm just a new vegan, so this book would be perfect for new recipes and ideas to keep me on track with this new and exciting diet!

  23. Yay for you! Hello sunshine and ocean.
    I purchased an old food truck and converted it to an all Vegan food truck. It is called, The Pod. Come by for lunch if you are passing through Durango, CO. on you way to CA.
    Anyway, the only cooking equipment is a big charbroil grill! This book would be so appreciated for new menu ideas.

  24. Wow, this cookbook looks amazing.

  25. Those pictures are mouth watering!!!!

  26. My husband is not vegan, however, he is a grill master! :) He would be very excited to try his hand at some vegan grilling recipes for myself and our children! Hope to win this book!

  27. Would love to win this!

  28. I've never had a grill but have been thinking of getting one. My sister is a caterer and always had hers in my backyard after she moved out 'cause (to quote her)"My grill is big enough to fit a human torso" ummmmm, okay. While it was true I never grilled on it because she cooked meat :(
    I have gotten her to offer several vegan options on her catering menu but if I had this book I could turn her completely! Thanks for the chance.

  29. We got a tiny grill for our balcony and are obsessed with it! I'd love to have people over for some grilled vegan treats :)

  30. I have all of Tami's other books (got whole grain yesterday and made cookies this morning) so I know I'd love it. Maybe I could even get my grill phobic husband to try grilling. I'd love to surrender that job!

  31. This book would be so helpful for the summer months when my family, who are not vegans, are constantly grilling. Love sitting outside with everyone, I just don't care for the 'hockey puck' burgers my pops makes me. I'd love to show them that us vegans can fire up the grill too!

  32. I love summer when we get the grill. I never know what to make besides the store-bought veggie burgers. This would be fantastic.

  33. i love to grill whether outdoors or on my indoor grill pan. besides veggie burgers (of course) we love to grill okra! i'm currently testing for tami's finger foods cookbook, i love her recipes!!

  34. We love to grill portobello mushrooms and veggie skewers!

  35. One of my favorite high school memories was the Spring day my senior year when we skipped out and went down to the beach for a warm sunny day of screaming fun and grilled pizzas. That was the first time I ever had a grilled pizza and I've been hooked ever since. ;)

  36. Yum! My favorite thing about summer is grilling out! Finally- some new recipes instead of just a veggie burger :-)The quinoa stuffed poblano peppers look divine!

  37. I love grilling! Field Roast sausages are an obvious delicious option, but I also enjoy grilling polenta, vegetable & seitan skewers, lemon rosemary tofu, hot sauce glazed tempeh, or even just something as simple as grilled garlic bread to enjoy with salad! Grilling season is the best, and it would be great to have more tasty grilling ideas!

    Congratulations on the move to San Diego!! I hope it will be a great fit for you and your family!!

  38. If I could only eat food prepared on a grill, I'd be one happy camper! I've always loved grilled and BBQ food. My dad's BBQ chicken and "surprise burgers" were my favorite foods growing up before going vegan. I also hated mushrooms, that is until my mom made me a grilled portabella with EVOO and montreal steak steak seasoning. I fell in love with mushrooms and have never looked back since.

  39. just inherited a grill and I can't wait to christen it with yummy vegan food!!

  40. Would love to make all the neighbors, with their silly, boring old burgers and hotdogs, jealous with my vegan grilling skills!

  41. I'm really looking forward to grilling season!

  42. Love grilling! It's nice to be outside and enjoy the weather (while it lasts, never stays nice for long in Michigan!)

  43. I love to grill, especially desserts. Grilled pineapples served with coconut ice cream is wonderful!

  44. I would love this! Texans do love to grill!!!

  45. Which recipe would you even start with?!

  46. Grilled asparagus is my favorite way to start the grilling season! Some fresh ideas to go with those tasty spears would be awesome!!

  47. I would LOVE to get this cookbook. I grew up veg and never know quite what to do with grilling season, plus veggie burgers always seem to adhere to whatever hot metallic surface I place them on!

  48. Oh, they do look lovely. Congrats to Mikel, and we are going to MISS YOU when you move - the only friends that Angela can walk to see. (Boo!) Still, I hope you have a great move, and the food looks great!

  49. I'm just hoping to figure out how to properly *use* a grill someday! I grew up with a father who grilled quite often (a few times a week, at one point). However, he would mostly burn the food--which kind of made me not like grilling so much. Now that my family is growing up, I'm beginning to appreciate the idea of cooking something quickly (and leaving the heat outside).

  50. I went veg at 9, followe by one cousin, then another, then my uncle, sister and now my two 11 year old nieces! Many if us are newly trying to go vegan. My family is gathering in August, and we would love to try these amazing recipes together!

  51. One of my favorite high school memories is Senior Skip Out day when yes, we did skip out and trekked on down to the local beach with all our grillin' gear. It was the first time I ever had grilled pizza and I've been hooked ever since! I look forward to it every summer. :)


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