
Jan 21, 2011

vegan hero

Who's your Vegan Hero?
Ones that pop to mind might be quite numerous - Marcus, Singer, Camp, Espinosa, Watson, Clark-Grogan, Robertson, Noyes, Messina, Moskowitz, DeGeneres, Newkirk, Baldwin, Barnard, Chavez, Harrelson, Harper, Hannah, Hynde, Kucinich, Lewis, Lyman, Mackey, Piraro, Pitt, Portman, Walker, Wynn, Weird Al, Mills, and the list goes on and on...

Today's lunch held the ideal of a hero plainly in sight by using all vegan ingredients. The cheese is Follow Your Heart sliced thin, the meatless cold cuts are Yves, Tofurkey and Smart Deli. There is avocado, veganaise, mustard, tomato, pickles, sprouts, lettuce, onion, bell pepper, olives, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar on this bad-boy. The bread should have been whole wheat, but Whole Foods was out and the kids needed lunch.

Really terrific looking and tasting. Remember, we eat with our eyes first and this sammich wouldn't have been the same had it been cut before the diners had a chance to see it.

Cost Breakdown

cold cuts: $5
FYH cheese: $3
veganaise, mustard, v&o: $1
veggies: $3
fruit: $2
bread: $2
Total to make 5 servings:


  1. This sandwich is beast! Wow. I was just reading this morning and learned that Coretta Scott King and her and Martin's son Dexter Scott King were/are vegans. That is pretty cool.

  2. Love. love , love vegan heroes and hoagies!

  3. Ahh, yes! Thanks for the reminder, Tender Branson. Definitely the Kings are vegan heroes!

    Me, too, GiGi!


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