
Jan 19, 2011

indian potato skins with curry of greens

Indian Night

I have been enjoying the Indian Nights on the menu, but this is the last official "Indian Night." Next week the Indian gets back onto Asian Night. Not that I've become an expert at Indian food, but the last weeks have certainly given me a wonderful taste for the different flavors and techniques that Indian fare favors. Besides the cooking, I think I've read at least a dozen cookbooks on the subject and I think I need to digest the info.

Tonight's meal is a fusion of sorts - Potato Skins with Curry of Greens. The potatoes are first cooked then broiled to get them crispy. Then they are topped with the curried greens. I used a combination of cilantro, kale, chard and collards. This came out very well and even the kids enjoyed it - some more than others depending on the offending green.

I served the meal with brown rice and sauteed mushrooms with Indian spices.

The curry paste was the most difficult part of this meal, and even that wasn't difficult, so all in all this was a successful meal: tasty, quick and easy.

Cost Breakdown

herbs, spices: $1
chilies, raisins, tomato: $1
nondairy milk: $.50
greens, mushrooms: $4
rice: $1
potatoes: $4
Total to make 6 servings:


  1. Sounds yummy to me! Can't wait for the recipe!!!
    I love your blogs, they really show people that eating this way is affordable. I tried to tell my friend how easy and inexpensive it was to go vegan and she laughed at me. Well, we will have the last laugh, won't we ..

  2. Love the color contrast. Right when I was getting used to Indian nights...

  3. Thanks, Vivacious! I hope you laugh all the way to the bank!

    Tender, this is not the end of Indian night! (Thanks for the vote of confidence.) It is just getting merged with Asian night.

  4. Thanks for sharing this one. One of us is eating vegan for 3 months to try something new, and it's been a learning process for sure. Always looking for more recipes, so this is perfect.

  5. i love indian tastes, recently i had an amazing indian night in dubai:))

  6. I am so happy I have all the ingredients to make this recipe for dinner tonight! I think I might add some lentils to the rice for a bit of protein and variety. I appreciate that you give a cost breakdown, I think there are so many misconceptions about the cost of eating healthy and you are definitely helping to dispel those myths.

  7. Sounds like a delicious version of potato skins! These definitely might make an appearance at our Superbowl party!

  8. These look delicious. What a great twist for potato skins.


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