
Nov 22, 2010

pizza hut (MoFo 13)

Pizza Hut today. I had to pick a pizza to do and so I chose one that my mom and I would order on Friday nights after work. I have mentioned that we owned a Hungarian restaurant (or 6 or 7, just not at the same time), and there is only so much Beef Goulash and Chicken Paprikas one can eat. Vegetarian was not on the menu, unless you happen to be one of those people who think that fish and chicken are vegetables; there is an amazing amount of people that unfortunately do.

We used to order Pan Pizza - crispy crust, fluffy inside, cheese and all the veggies Pizza Hut would pile on. This was my favorite pizza until I moved to Chicago and had Johnny D's.

Today I began with the Breadstick. This made the kids happy because the toppings are parmy-cheesy and herby. Accomplish this using Parma (walnuts and nutritional yest) and a bunch of herbs.

Naturally I had to make the Pan Pizza, but first I began looking around for something unusual by Pizza Hut. Wings? Yeah, but that is coming up on the Anchor Bar post. Pasta? Been there, done that. Then I found a whole bunch of people pretty upset that Pizza Hut is no longer making their Triple-Decker Pizza. This is a pizza with two thin layers, cheese between, sauce on top, more cheese and then the toppings. Okaaaay.

The most difficult thing about making this is the thinness of the crusts. Using very little yeast and a long, cool proofing, and then forking the rolled out dough before baking, makes this possible. Voila - Triple-Decker Pizza Hut Pizza. Why they call it Triple is a mystery to me, though, since there are only two crusts. Perhaps Pizza Hut doesn't employ math inclined folks.

Finally, the Pan Pizza is making a showing. I made one as an original Pan Pizza, but I also made one a little more upscale. David came shopping with me and chose wild mushrooms for his topping. Fabulous! I sauteed the mushrooms with garlic, topped the pan pizza with a porcini-cream sauce and finished it with truffle oil.

No, Pizza Hut never offered this, but I can see it on the menu at Millennium.

Cost Breakdown:

flour: $1.50
yeast, sugar, salt: $.50
soy milk powder: $.50
Parmo, herbs: $1
Total to make 5 app servings:

dough: $2
Daiya vegan cheese: $2
sauce: $1
pepperoni: $1
Total to make a 15 inch pizza:

Pan Pizza:
dough: $2
sauce: $1
Daiya vegan cheese: $2
topping: $1
Total to make a large pizza:

dough: $2
porcini-cream sauce:$2.50
wild mushrooms, garlic: $4
truffle oil: $1
Total to make 15" pizza:



Pan Pizza

Truffle Pizza


  1. I'm going to confidently say that your meal looks 300% better than anything that will ever come out of Pizza Hut!

  2. Eep! I used to love pizza hut!! And their bread sticks--- ohhh!!
    But now I hate them...but the reason for that should be obvious :P
    I definitely have to try out these recipes!

  3. Can't wait to try these out. The triple decker and breadsticks look amazing! Are you sure they are vegan?

  4. wow the pan pizza looks great! oddly, my mom and i love pizza hut also. it's a guilty pleasure that we just can't knock =)

  5. Here is your chance, Anonymous! Make them your way!

    Tneder Branson, I'm only sure they are vegan because I put the Daiya on them. Perhaps I should have specified the 'cheese' in the cost breakdown is Daiya. At high temps it really does melt well, especially over a longer period of baking time. I've had more difficulty getting it to melt when it needs to do so in mere minutes or the rest of the dish burns.

    I'll fix that now - I don't want someone to think I'm not using vegan cheese :)

    Theveggie, maybe for the both of us it is more a bonding with the moms than the pizza =)


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