
Oct 3, 2010

brussels sprouts saute

My hubby and I picked up a stalk of Brussels sprouts at Whole Foods this week to show the kids how they grow. I don't have them in the garden, so this was second best.

After all of the amazement settled down, it was time to cook them.

I made a very simple Brussels sprouts saute with orange bell peppers and pinto beans. I love slightly caramelized sprouts with just a dash of salt. So utterly delicious!

The versatility of sauteed vegetables is enormous. They can be eaten plain - what I did - or tossed with a pasta or rice or any grain. Adding a little water at the end of the sauteing cooks the sprouts to perfection and leaves a little broth to moisten the pasta or grain. A few cloves of minced garlic and a pinch or two of crushed chili flakes elevates this dish to completion.

Cost Breakdown:
Brussels: $3
beans: $2
pepper, onion, garlic: $1.50
spices: $.25
pasta: $2
Total to feed a family of five:


  1. Oh my gosh, what a wonderful combonation!!
    Your going to be sick of hearing from me, but your recipes are so delicious! I actually cook from your blog at least once a week!

  2. No way, Gwen! I love the compliments - quite a hog actually - and I love that you are enjoying the food and doing so well with your ever-evolving diet.



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