
Oct 31, 2010

jerk chickpeas and potatoes

When you hear of food being jerked, it is usually chicken. Please don't jerk the chicken around! Not here! We are kind to chickens and needed something else to jerk. Chickpeas became a natural because of its firm texture and ability to actually get crisp in the oven. Adding a few potatoes to the jerking also became a no-brainer.

You can also add carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes (I did) or a winter squash (it's that time of year, again) to the jerking pan. If you add any of the less denser veggies ( i.e. sweet potatoes) add them later in the cooking so they don't over cook.

The jerk marinade is made with garlic, jalapenos, allspice, cinnamon, cayenne, brown sugar, vinegar and a few other ingredients. Make it as spicy as you like it, but remember that cooking takes some of the edge off the raw version.

I made a cilantro-yogurt sauce to tame the heat. This really was an easy meal to make and very satisfying to my jerk-tooth.

Add a side of greens and this meal is complete.

Cost Breakdown:
potatoes: $2
chickpeas: $4
onion, garlic, peppers: $2
spices: $1
vinegar, lime, sugar: $1
carrot, sweet potatoes: $2
yogurt, cilantro, parsley: $2
Total to feed a family of 5:


  1. Sounds and looks very tasty, I can't wait to try!

  2. Looks wonderful. I will have to try this out. Love the mix of flavors.

  3. I love the idea (and sound) of jerking chickpeas. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to try the jerk chickpeas!

  5. Not easy to make. Well, not hard, but time-consuming and messy. However, it was well worth it. This is soooooo good. And the limey yogurt sauce tastes like sour-cream. I will use this from now on, as my vegan sour-cream recipe. Also, makes a ton of sauce and not a ton of the vegetables. I would double the vegetables/beans. Do two cans of chick peas and as many vegetables as you can, and double the jerk marinade recipe. Keep the yogurt recipe the same, though, and you'll have the right proportions. Verrry tasty and very spicy!

  6. Thanks so much for the feedback, Anonymous! I have updated the recipe to reflect your observations. It is so difficult for me to make things twice soon, so this is a big help with the recipes. I try to do my best, but at the beginning of the blog I just jotted down notes occasionally - now I keep a notebook of meticulous additions and such.

    Thanks again!


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