
Jul 7, 2010


Wednesday is Italian/Pasta Night

On my search for a Food Network recipe a week or so ago, I came across Chicken Cacciatore. It looked good so I put it on the menu. I made my Light Seitan (chicken like), tore it into medium sized pieces and seared them in  a little olive oil. I sauteed mushrooms, onions and peppers, deglazed with red wine, added some vegetable stock and simmered the whole shebang for around 20 minutes. This gave the sauce enough time to establish a wonderful depth and richness. To finish the sauce I added a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and some basil.

Everyone really liked it - peppers and all. I served it over pasta and with a green salad. Very Italian! Delizioso!

Cost Breakdown:
seitan: $2
onion, pepper, garlic, mushroom: $4
red wine and veg broth: $1
pasta: $2
salad: $3
Total to feed a family of 5:

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