
Jun 22, 2010

raw eggplant manicotti

I have decided to serve one meal a week...raw. Now if you are an adult, it may sounds intriguing, even adventurous; but, if you are a kid, not so much. Or if you are my husband. Once a year, he says, is more than enough. Unfortunately for my family, the raw meal stays. At least for now. If they start withering away, I'll reevaluate.

Tonight I made a raw eggplant manicotti. 'Cooking' raw is actually quite easy and uncomplicated, as long as a plan is in place. The eggplant needed a few hours to marinate and a few hours to dehydrate. Dinner was actually ready on time.

I totally dug this dish, but my family collectively thought otherwise.
Baby steps.

Cost Breakdown:
eggplant: $2
sun-tom: $2
tomato: $2
nuts: $4
lemon: $.50
spices, herbs and oive oil: $4
Total to feed Mom thrice and Dad once:


  1. Never cooked or ate raw..this makes me want to try it. Do you have a dehydrator or is there another way to dehydrate the eggplant?

  2. We're big fans of eating raw, pretty popular in San Francisco. Moved to central Florida last year, let's just say raw veganism is a bit less popular down here. No problem for us, just gave us the much needed impetus to cook more meals at home. Looking forward to seeing more posts from you.

  3. Jacklyn, you can use your oven on the lowest setting. It might technically be a bit too high to be truly raw (food cannot exceed 115 degrees, I think. I'll double check.) Putting the food out in the sun, with a light cover over the pan (a kitchen towel) would also work (sun-dried tomatoes started that way.) I'm posting the recipe soon.

    Jenna, I lived in FL for 15 years and in SF for a few. I know what you mean about the differences. I'm a big fan of raw, too. I've introduced it to my family before, but they rebuffed me. I'm not weakening this time!
    Thank you for visiting and commenting!


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